Brian Barker wrote:
At 11:35 04/11/2009 -0500, Tim Deaton wrote:
When I print a spreadsheet in Excel, if the sheet is too large for one page, I can adjust the size of the printed output. I can either adjust the size by a percentage (ie: print at 75% of normal size) or I can set it to shrink the document so that it fits within x pages wide by y pages long. I can also adjust the margins of the document. And all this is done from either a Page Setup box that can be accessed either from the Print Preview screen or from the "File" menu.

Where do I find this functionality in Calc?

Go to Format | Page... | Sheet | Scale. (You can also get to the same dialogue from the Page Preview screen using the Format Page button.) Under "Scaling mode", you can adjust your output in three ways: select either your scaling factor or the number of pages vertically and horizontally (as you describe above) or just the total number of pages.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
File ? Page Preview ? Adjust the scale directly by moving that thing
you see between ”Margins” and ”Close Preview”. For more options, click
Format Page and look around among the tabs in the dialog that pops up.

Johnny Rosenberg

Thanks to both Brian & Johnny. Between you, those solutions are exactly what I was looking for.
-- Tim

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