
There are two issues in your post (below). The first is a proposal that has been absent from the current threads, that addresses one of the recurring problems - how to get answers to unsubscribed posters - transparently: Where a post comes from an unsubscribed user, add the user's email to the "Reply-To" header. It has the salutary effect of "Reply-to-All" without the drawbacks.

However, the reference to "the scenarios listed by 'leggewie' on Tue Feb 26 12:37:50 +0000 2008" is illuminating. I went back to the record and found that 'leggewie' had two concerns: (a) gmane and (b) this scenario:
 1. Unsubscribed poster A sends question to list.
2. B replies; by whatever agreed mechanism, the reply goes to A as well as to the list.
 3. C replies to B; how do we assure /that/ also goes to A?

It's a good question - one that may be solved only by Barbara's proposal to send A the archive link. So it may not be a great loss that that particular solution was not implemented.

The second issue is whether /any/ solution to a list problem can be implemented - and, if so, how? Here the record complains that we are waiting for an upgrade to CollabNet's Sourcecast (which uses ezmlm to manage the list - a fact nowhere mentioned. I don't think it ever addressed crucial questions:
 - Why is an upgrade needed at all, if it's a matter of configuring ezmlm?
- Would the upgrade address a more comprehensive solution that envisioned by the original RFE? [cf: scenario proposed by 'leggewie']

Vathsan never addressed the first question, and never committed on the second. So I'm afraid it cannot be considered a serious effort at resolving the problem. It certainly is not proof that the list problems are insoluble.


In a message dated 2009.11.06 02:14 -0500, Larry Gusaas wrote:

Unfortunately the list is unlikely to be fixed anytime soon. The
people on the list do not have the power to fix it. The powers in
charge refuse to make changes. Here is a request for enhancement,
filed in 2003, to add a Reply-to: header with the unubscribed
posters address.

Opened: Wed Aug 27 13:01:00 +0000 2003
When an unsubscribed user sends a message, there is no easy way to
know this unless you take a look at the complete headers. This is
a bit time consuming. It would be nice if the Reply-To field also contained the address of the unsubscribed sender.

In 2008 a solution was found that would be implemented after software
on CollabNet was updated and the issue has made marked 'Closed"

Additional comments from Srivathsan Rangarajan Wed Mar 19 10:49:54 +0000 2008
The requested feature will be made available when Openoffice gets upgraded to CEE 5.0 release.
Support Operations

In 2009 these comments were made:

Additional comments from millerp Thu Nov 5 23:26:39 +0000 2009
Can we have confirmation whether this upgrade will fix the
scenarios listed by 'leggewie' on Tue Feb 26 12:37:50 +0000 2008?

Additional comments from ejrenaud Thu Nov 5 23:29:36 +0000 2009
This is irrelevant. Sun refuses to upgrade onto a newer version of CEE.

So a simple solution is possible if the CollabNet software is updated but Sun refused to do so. Perhaps Oracle's purchase of Sun will improve the situation, but I am not going to hold my breath.

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