Rob Clement wrote:
Misty Robertson wrote:
Can I open files from microsoft 2007 using openoffice? If so, I am unable to, what is the problem? Thanks
  Misty Robertson
Hi Misty

I love your background but I know that certain people on this board are not happy with bright colored background and Christian texts.

Yes you can open files from MS Office 2007 with OOo.

What version of OOo are you using? I am using 3.1.1 and opened a MS Office 2007 docx with it yesterday.

What operating system are you using? I will assume Windows. If you open the folder that the docx file is in, and double-click the file what program does open? If OOo does not open please right click on the docx file and select "Open With" the program you want is swriter to open it. Then you should be able to open the docx file.


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