2010/2/5 Pierre <openoff...@finalfiler.com>

> M Henri Day wrote:
>> Many list members will find this story (in German - Google Translate is
>> your
>> friend) published on a site for webmasters (
>> http://preview.tinyurl.com/ykwtj22 ) of interest. Certain others, I
>> suspect,
>> will make use of the opportunity to be outraged....
> There is a big difference between the 'installed' base and the 'user' base.
> For example, in my office there are eight PCs and six users. All eight PCs
> have OOo installed. I am the only OOo user. The others all prefer that
> "other" office suite.
> Bit like the Linux thing, really. Many have it installed. Very few actually
> use it in their work.

Agree with you, Pierre, but remember that your observation cuts both ways -
I have three computers running six OS here at home, including four different
versions of Windows products. MS Office 2007 is installed on all of them, as
is OOo, but I only use the latter (save when I'm helping people with
difficulties in using the former over the telephone). As many computers are
purchased with MS Office installed, but presumably all instances of OOo have
been installed by users, it might just possibly be the case that, on the
contrary, the proportion of OOo installations that actually are used is
higher than that for MS Office. None of us know, of course, but in any
event, the method employed in this study does provide a reliable way of
measuring whatever it is it measures, and will therefore be useful for
detecting trends. Let us hope that in the fullness of time, the other users
in your office come around and increase the proportion of OOo users !...


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