I sure hope you can help me, I have a manuscript to correct and it would take hours to do it manually. I am using OO3 on a MacBookPro dual processor, intel machine. I have already tried to access some kind of find and replace function and when the box opens (edit>find & replace) there is no place to type in what I want to find and replace. All I see is a bar that opens a drop down box with fixed options.

Using >tools>auto correct option>custom quotes, when I go into the options box the correct rounded quote marks are already highlighted, when I press OK nothing happens in the document. I need the U+201 options for the quotes and apostrophes throughout the entire manuscript. I have been trying to solve this problem for three days even enlisting justanswer's staff and no one seems to have a clue. Can you please tell me how to accomplish this?

Thanks so much.
Clare du Bois

p.s. I have followed the instructions in the manual to the letter several times.

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