Keith wrote:

> why some dislike top posting.  If I am following a long thread the
> last thing I want to do is page down over the information I have
> read before.

One of the reasons for bottom posting (on a support mailing list like
this, at least) is that half the reason it exists is for people who
will read it weeks or months in the future. That is to build over time
archives where as many pages as possible are ordered, understandable,
stand-alone tips (as in "first the description of the problem, then
the solution). Consistent bottom posting makes the archives more
useful for people looking for solutions via search engines, which in
turn decreases the number of questions to the list (which is
particularly important for lists like this, which allow messages from

There are other reasons, but since I already answered to this question
on this list, I'll just post the link:

and conclude with two comments:

#1 most of the flames about top or bottom posting comes from people in
  either category who do NOT trim the original message before
  replying. Do that, and almost nobody will bother if you top post or
  the opposite. This is explained better in the link above

#2 the official guidelines of this mailing list recommend (albeit
  implicitly) bottom posting. I have explained this here:
  As long as that's the case, you may ask that somebody is expelled
  for top posting, but not the opposite, because only the first
  practice is against the guidelines of this list. If moderators were
  really strict, theoretically you couldn't even _complain_ about
  bottom posters, because they're simply following the rules. I am not
  saying that top posting is a reason to expel anyone, of course, just
  describing the current situation. As long as that's the rule,
  whenever a flamewar starts here on this list, the ones who are on
  the "wrong" side (guidelines-wise) are the top posters.

In practice the best way, if not the only one, to not waste time on
this here is that everybody consistently follows tip #1 above.

Should water be public or private? Australian, of course:      

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