David Narvaez wrote:
On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 6:54 PM, webmas...@krackedpress.com <
webmas...@krackedpress.com> wrote:

The only a.v. is KlamAV and it does not support anything except Kmail and
I miss the residentual stuff that made sure the documents that come into
OOo or downloaded,
are clean from nasties.  Even if Ubuntu do not get many, I could still get
a .doc from
someone with a nasty and edit it, pass it along, then POW someone down the
wants to it me.

I'm not sure I understand what's the use of an antivirus for any program in
hmm - thought he explained his reasoning rather well actually.

If AVG integrates with OO in some way and is going to solve your problem,
then you should ask for support on AVG forums [0]

Hello David,

I too, at first blush thought of Kracked's query: OT

Then I decided ah what the heck I'd just mention top
posting and make it relavent to this list again...*evilgrin*

Anyway - I do know this. ClamAV is what is used to check files
at the extension and template repositories for OpenOffice.org
so I assume that means it can read ODF files.

Just now since I am using Ubuntu 9.1 I went ahead and installed
ClamAV with synaptic pkg mgr then since I run T'bird from
the ubuntu repos I looked for an addon and found only one,
oldish and beta.

Installed it...tested and...
(With my right hand stretched out the index finger,
same with thumb,
curled the other three fingers to my palm,
while rising my feet, briskly placed my hand
on my forehead and said #FAIL...

If I get it working I'll drop you a direct email, if you like.

Otherwise - as David said you will most likely get better
help on the email questions either at the t'bird lists
or at http://www.clamav.net/

Best wishes,


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