2010/2/15 M Henri Day <mhenri...@gmail.com>

> 2010/2/15 NoOp <gl...@sbcglobal.net>
>> On 02/15/2010 05:57 AM, M Henri Day wrote:
>> ...
>> >
>> > Alas, as is my wont, I spoke too soon ! I've just noted that, for
>> example, a
>> > .doc file sent as an attachment to an email still opens by default in
>> OOo
>> > 3.1. Any suggestions as to how to correct this ?...
>> >
>> > Henri
>> >
>> Yes... save the attachment to a folder and open from there. Otherwise
>> ask on your email client list to find out how to change the defaults in
>> your client.
> Aha, so that's the problem ! I use webmail rather than an email client, as
> I regarding the latter as superfluous now that I am more or less permanently
> connected to the internet. Still, I find it strange that when I choose the
> alternative to download an attachment, the latter opens by default in OOo
> 3.1 rather than OOo 3.2. In the event I find a solution, I'll post back for
> the benefit of other users with similar problems....
> Henri

Here's the solution I found to the above question and which I am posting a
bit tardily in accordance with my promise above. What worked for me was to
change the default settings for «Open Document» services under
«Applications» in the «Firefox Preferences» (this on my 64-bit Ubuntu setup
; in Windows, it is is called «Firefox Options») from «Use OpenOffice.org
Plug-in» to «Use soffice». The odd thing is that this procedure opens
appended documents to email messages in, say, Chrome/Chromium as well as
Firefox to OOo 3.2. I haven't tested as yet in Opera....


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