Good evening
The other day I "upgraded" the OpenOffice 3.01 that came with Ubuntu
9.04 to 3.2.
(THAT was a difficult birth!)

Because that did not went automatically by simply clicking an installer
icon etc., I created (had to) a directory I called "openoffice" into
which I unpacked all the files. After lots of trouble I finally
succeeded and the software is working.

Tools -> Options -> -> Paths
** it says here, that the path(s) to autocorr, gallery, autotext,
template etc. is something like:
/home/thomas/ (template = example)
That is nice, but when I tried to create a template and save it in this
directory, tells me, there is no such directory or file.
I tried to search (nautilus -> Ctrl+F; browse the relevant directories
manually etc.) for it, but cannot find it ANYWHERE! (View -> show hidden
files = ON)

I have OOo32 installed under Windows too. THERE I can find, edit, browse
etc. the relevant directories.

Now, is there a particular reason, why I have to deal with ghost
directories under Linux?
In order to save the template I created, I had to create a new directory
(named "templates"; under "openoffice").
When I tried to edit the paths to templates with this new name, I was
given the choice between "add" or "delete".
I added the path to that new directory and marked it as default.

Yet, in the window with the path setting it now reads:
Since the first half of this nice, long path cannot be found anyway ...
Should I maybe first choose "delete" that old default pathway?

thank you.

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