In a message dated 2010.05.25 03:03 -0500, fred juan diaz wrote:

... I asked about how OO does its font matching ... to understand
it against a reference of how another word processor handled font
matching. ... the WordPerfect Printer Definition Language (WPDL)
included an important section on defining fonts - definitions that
were used for classifying and matching fonts. IIRC, there were
seven major binary attributes for classifying fonts [of which
HTML's serif/san-serif ... would be only one], plus a number of
non-binary metrics. It was a bit challenging to learn the system
and apply it to a font ... but when everything was properly set up
it worked wonderfully. I'm hoping to find something similar for OO.

May be we should speak about the three Liberation fonts, created to have the same metric properties than the classical win fonts ?
never got any problem on different O.S. when using those fonts

Maybe we should - but that begs a number questions:

(1) Although a major contribution, Liberation Serif/Sans/Mono of course only cover the most basic font requirements, and even then do not provide a match to satisfy everyone. For example, the slab-serif Courier New is probably the most common monospace font for Windows; Liberation Mono is a good match in character metrics but not in appearance. [OTOH, Liberation Mono is a very good match for the most common monospace fonts in Mac OS/OSX.]

(2) How does OO do the font matching? A "replacement table" can be set up to substitute fonts by name, but that just seems to be an override for whatever algorithm OO would otherwise use. What is that algorithm? Where does it reside? How does it work?

Studying VCL.vxu, it seems that fonts are matched, not on typeface attributes and metrics [as described above for WPDL], but by name, with a list of substitutions for each name, and a fallback specification of "serif" or "sans-serif". This is pretty thin stuff, and it begs the question of how those font substitutions lists are generated. Most font matching questions, such as possed in this thread, would probably go away with answers to these more basic questions.


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