Rob Clement wrote:
On 31/05/2010 16:30, Hilton Belle wrote:
Please unsubscribe me to your emails!

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:


If you look at the bottom of the e-mails you are receiving there is an e-mail address "". Please send a blank e-mail from the address you subscribed to this list from, and you will receive an e-mail requesting you to confirm. You will then be unsubscribed when you respond. The power is in your hands.



Just FWIW: There are some legitimate reasons for people to have trouble unsubscribing, and the referenced technique doesn't always work (even if they have noticed the trailer). The most common difficulties are with redirected or "munged" addresses, and mail clients that can't handle the complex return address in the confirmations. Also, as has been mentioned before, not all mails have the trailer; altogether, IMO it's best to say nothing about it and simply supply a mail-to link with a good chance of working. I prefer the indirect one (e.g.,, it eliminates some of the problems. The worst issues are when the user doesn't even know the subscribed address (the unsubscribe request then usually is coming from an address that is not itself subscribed), and that takes additional steps.

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

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