On 06/12/2010 12:22 PM, Brewster Gillett wrote:
On Sat, 2010-06-12 at 14:40 +0000, Abdul Hai wrote:
Are there any plans for ones like Google docs? The reason why I ask is that
I would like an online version so it does not take up space on my computer.

That makes no sense at all, when hard drives have become as inexpensive
as they are. I cannot claim any knowledge of the retail market in
London, but here in Portland, Oregon, USA I can buy a one-terabyte
external USB drive (which should be easily attached to *any* form of
computer nowadays) for the equivalent of just over 52 pounds.

And cloud computing imposes some very real risks, not least
of which is a rather unsettling loss of control.

I just bought a USB/eSATA external 1TB drive with free shipping for $80 at
Tigerdirect.com on the 9th and it was here the 11th.

I have an internal 1TB as well on my main desktop [Ubuntu 64-bit - Debian style Linux]. I could have bought and internal one for $70 and get a $30 rebate - i.e. $40 for a 1TB internal one. I choose an external one as a backup and transfer drive between several
computers; desktop, server, and two laptops.

So I agree with the fact that drives are getting lower and lower. External is the way to go if you do not have the knowledge to add a new driver inside, or it is a laptop.

Fine if you really have the problem of space and do not want to buy an external drive; USE the thumb driver portable application version of OOo. I have used it. A 1gig USB thumb drive is $10 at most places. I got a 4 gig for $15 a few months ago. I have used the portable app for OOo to show people OOo. It is a little slower [thumb drive issues] but it does not take up you hard drive space. I can even save your files/data to the thumb
drive as well, so you can go to any computer [Windows] and use OOo.

YES programs are getting bigger and bigger. Adobe are over 1 gig installed. I had 10 gig of Adobe installed on one of my computers, and I dropped Adobe soon after that. OOo is under 250 meg easily, while MS Office was over 550 meg the last time I used MS Office 2003. Unless you want a stripped down product, you would not get an office suite much smaller
than OOo.

Now the problem with using an online product like Google or the new MS online office product, is the fact that you are relying on having a good connection and such every time you need to do some editing. Then there is the problem of having your files and data traveling back and forth and/or the possibility of a data sniffer reading your stuff. That has
happened so I have read last year.

I remember when 10meg drive was big and desktops only had floppy drives. When I got my first 20 MEG hard drive it was 3 times bigger than what you get now, and much slower. But then when programs had to fit on a floppy, [1.2 meg or less at that time] we
could do a lot with that space.

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