I'm in a quandary of sorts.
On this standalone Kubuntu box there are two OpenOffice versions: 2.4 - which seems to be the one that came with Hardy - and 3.1.1, which I believe I downloaded from the OpenOffice.org site - to circumvent some of the shortcomings of 2.4 - and is my current production suite. I'm getting a bit short of room in the Hardy partition and I'd like to clear some of it by removing 2.4. I've uninstalled it via Synaptic, but I notice that according to Krusader there's still the same amount of free space as there was before the uninstall procedure, so none of the physical files themselves seem to have been removed.
How do I best go about removing them without messing up everything?

Thanks for helping out.
Kubuntu 8.04.4 LTS Hardy
Linux 2.6.24-27 generic
KDE 3.5.10 - OpenOffice v 3.1.1

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