2010/8/20 Sam <spalazz...@si.rr.com>

> Good day folks,
> I have recently downloaded openoffice after seeing an artilcle while
> looking at some stories in Yahoo.
> I am not very computer literate, not in the technical sense.
> My main reason for downloading the software was to be able to open some
> powerpoint files that a friend sends. I have an old version of a suite of
> products from the makers of wordperfect and cannot open many of Microsoft
> office products.
> If you could tell me how to utilize the applications, I would be very
> appreciative.
> Thank you,
> Sam Palazzolo

Sam, you might find the tutorials available here (
http://www.tutorialsforopenoffice.org/) of help. If not, other list members
will certainly be able to provide other suggestions....


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