On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 10:24 AM, RA Brown <rabr...@the-martin-byrd.net>wrote:

> Adam wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 9:39 AM, RA Brown <rabr...@the-martin-byrd.net
>> >wrote:
>>  Did you right click on the "default" paragraph style and select
>>> 'Modify'?
>>>  Make the changes and click the OK button to close and save the changes?
>> Yes but after click ok and close the F11 window nothing happens :(
>> If so that should have changed the "default" used when starting a new
>>> document.  To use this style in an existing document you need to update
>>> the
>>> document.
> You made the changes, did they take?  Right click on the "default" and
> select modify.  Are the values as you entered?  The "default" styles are
> used for new documents, existing documents have to be updated with the
> changes.
>  To update the current document, click the "New Style from Selection" icon
>>> on the upper right of the Styles and Formatting window.
>> but this then asks me to enter w new style name like as if im cr8ing a new
>> style but i dont want to do this i just want top change the current
>> default
>> style indetnation :(
> When you click on the icon you have three choices, "New Style from
> Selection", "Update Style" and "Load Styles...".  The first, as you have
> seen wants to create a new style using a current selected text as a base.
>  The second updates the styles in an open document.  The third allow you to
> "copy" styles from a template or another document into the current document.
>   Then click on the 'Update Style' menu item.  That should then make the
>>> needed changes to the document.
> You missed this step.  The styles used in a document are stored within the
> archive as a separate file that defines the styles used within the document,
> styles.xml is the file name.  You have to use the "Update" option above to
> change the settings in this file.
This step does nothing on my document :(

   1. Select one of my paras
   2. Cntrl+M
   3. F11 (Styles and Formatting menu pops up)
   4. Right click on "Default"
   5. I Select "Modify" and para style window pops up
   6. I set the indents that I want (now Im trying Before text 2.00cm)
   7. Click OK (no changes seen on doc)
   8. Selecdt "Update Style" (still no changes seen on doc)
   9. Close (Styles and Formatting menu, still no changes seen on doc)

Have I missed a step?

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