Hello All,

I'm trying to get text printed in a cell in Calc based on the values
found in other cells, as follows;

     Col1 Col2

Row1 Cat    2
Row2 Dog    4
Row3 Mouse  3

The text I want to output to the result cell is from Col1, based on the
values in Col2.  Specifically, the lowest value.  SO, in this instance,
I'd like "Cat" as the o/p.

Finding the MIN value is easy but after that, I'm stuck.  I've tried
googling, but don't seem able to invoke the right incantations.

Any help will be appreciated, thanks.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
That's what I call you
Heaven Sent - INXS

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