In an article from October 19th in ZDnet's online site,
it states that it looks like Oracle is purging the community council of anyone that is not
an employee of Oracle.  It raises the point that with the
only non-employees being forced/asked to leave, is the
community council actually "community" instead of

So I am wondering if is now a corporate
software without non-Oracle personnel part of the community
council?  Oracle owns the name, and now
it looks like only Oracle employees are involved in the decision
on what this open source product will be like, look like, and
everything else.  Do we the user base have any say in the
product anymore, like it appeared we did when there were people
on the "community" council that did not work for Oracle/Sun, or
whoever owned the name then. 

Who is now in charge of the code our volunteers contribute?
Who "owns" the rights to the code that is summited?  With only
Oracle employees in control of the "open source" code, is it truly
open or just open with what they want to share, even the code that
was provided by non-Oracle sources.

Is this why more and more organizations are praising LibraOffice
in their "independent" model for the future of the
code base?  Will there be a split in the community on who really
represents the "spirit" of what is/was all about?

I do hope that Oracle will foster non-employee members as a part
of the community council.  I do hope there will be a real openness
in the future of the Oracle's ownership/stewardship of the software
that has the name of  This software is now 10 years
old.  I hope that this current issue about community and control of's future will allow it to survive for another 10 years.
Microsoft must be laughing.  They do an bashing ad about how bad
it is for a company to switch to  Now they can bash
the product again about if it was so good, why is there so many
different version [forks] of the software all telling the community we
are the better one to use instead of the original one.

Looks like Ubuntu will be supporting LibreOffice over Go-oo in future
releases of Ubuntu.  Why Go-oo instead of OOo/Debian, and now
LibreOffice.  As I said Microsoft must be laughing at the users of and its forked versions.

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