Den 2011-01-09 01:11:42 skrev Brewster Gillett <>:

At 13:12 08/01/2011 -0800, Brewster Gillett wrote:
>I have explicitly followed the OOHelp instructions - FORMAT-PRINT
>RANGES-EDIT, done the instructed highlighting for the top two rows
>that I seek to have printed on every page, and have gotten the echo
>that is displayed on the help screen - $1:$2. But when I go to exit,
>I get a tiny popup that informs me:
>         "invalid sheet reference"
>In searching the list of error messages for Calc, I find no specific
>mention of "invalid sheet reference". I went back and attempted
>various combinations of A1 and A2, and kept getting the same message.
>What am I missing, here?

Brian Barker wrote:

Are you using OpenOffice version 3.1 as provided by/with
Ubuntu?  This appears to have been a bug in that version.  See .


My apologies for not including version and platform information -
I should know better. Using Open Office 3.2 (build:9483) running
under Ubuntu 10.04. I guess that I must assume that 3.1 bug was not
fixed since it is still reproducing under my later lashup.


I trust this helps.

Brian Barker


Actually it helped on a couple of counts; I'd always rather find
out that it's a bug instead of my lack of competence :-).......
... and your bug-blog link had a workaround that someone had discovered,
that appears to do the trick.

The lesson for me is that when a problem seems intractable or has no
plausible explanation, check the bug reports first.



I ran into a few other bad bugs with the Ubuntu-version of and finally I just couldn't stand it any more, so I kicked it out and installed the ”real” Worked like a charm since then. I don't know if that would help in this very case, but I would certainly try.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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