2011/2/5 Dotan Cohen <dotanco...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 18:07, M Henri Day <mhenri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Its a pleasure to be able to help with so interesting a project, Dotan !
> A
> > couple of remarks on your website : firstly, you might want to consider
> > modifying the title to something on the order of
> «OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice
> > Tricks», to make the contents still clearer.
> I plan on changing the word "Tricks" to something else, but I'm
> looking for the right adjective. As for the designation that it is
> Open Office and not LibreOffice, I plan on leaving it as OOo for the
> time being. There is a short explanation why at the bottom, but until
> it starts containing LibreOffice-only content, I think that the more
> general OOo title is better.

I think you're looking for a noun, rather than an adjective. Personally, I
have nothing against «tricks» - which works well in Swedish as well - but
«hacks», «tools», and «shortcuts» are some alternatives you might want to
consider, if you feel a pressing need to change....

> > Secondly, you might be
> > interested to note that your web pages - at least the ones I've checked -
> > render as well in Chrome/Chromium on my 64-bit Ubuntu 10.10 machine as
> they
> > do in Firefox or Opera.
> Yes, I mention Firefox and Opera to bugger the IE-only crowd, this is
> actually a problem in Israel. I personally also use Firefox and Chrome
> on *buntu.

Wow, I wasn't at all aware that IE still enjoyed so dominant a position in
Israel (http://preview.tinyurl.com/62ovgg9), even if its market share does
seem to be declining rapidly ! Interesting to note that it seems to be
Chrome, rather than Firefox, which is driving this change. It may be cold
comfort, but the situation is even worse in China....

> > With regard to the Swedish language version «*Fler
> > trix in OpenOffice.org*», I note that the need for a space after the
> initial
> > symbol when making lists has not (yet ?) been made explicit there ; this
> is
> > something about which you might want to inform your Swedish friends. If
> you
> > can send me an email address I could provide them with some suggestions
> as
> > to the language used in the translation....
> >
> Thanks, we will discuss that off-list.

> --
> Dotan Cohen
> http://gibberish.co.il
> http://what-is-what.com

Thanks again for all the work you're putting into this !...


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