I'm using Openoffice.,org 1.1.3 on two different linux machiens: a desktop and a laptop.

The two machines run as much as possible the same versions of everything (Kernel, applications, xorg and, obviously, openoffice.org).

When I move a document written with openoffice writer from the desktop to the laptop (and vice-versa) I found slight differences: lines are slightly shorter, or longer and words are wrapped in different places, as if characters and words come out slightly different on the two machines. This is very consistent: it always happens and is very noticeable, mostly with short lines (e.g.: in pieces of text wrapped around a figure).

The only difference in the two machines I can think of is the size of the display: the laptop is 1024x768 pixels, the desktop has a 1280x1024 screen.

It looks like character rendering (actually character size) is different on different screens.

Does anybody see anythinbg similar?

And does anybody knows a way to prevent this problem?

Many thanks,

       -- )     Luca Fini                            Tel: +39 055 2752 307
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/   |   | |-_   L.go E.Fermi, 5 +-----------------------------------------
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