On Mar 16, 2011, at 18:22 , John Boyle wrote:

> On 3/15/2011 8:07 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:
>> On 2011/03/15 4:55 PM  Lisa Dee wrote:
>>> Larry -
>>> While the advice you gave was helpful, I had figured that much out...
>> That advice was from James Wilde. I forwarded it to you since you are not 
>> subscribe to the mailing list. 
>>> the problem is that the OO is still setting as default document launcher. 
>>> There is no "Change All" choice. There is  a "Always Open With"
>> I think you did not exactly follow the instructions. I'll try to list them 
>> concisely. You will have to do this for every Microsoft file type you do not 
>> want to open in OOo. I will describe for Word .doc
>> In Finder locate a .doc file.
>> Right click on the .doc file
>> Click "Get Info"
>> A long narrow window will open
>> Part way down the window is "▾ Open with:" (make sure the triangle is 
>> pointing down"
>> Below that is a drop down menu. Select MS Word
>> Below that is "Use this application to open all documents like this one."
>> Click the "Change All..." button.
>> This is basically the same instructions that James gave. You missed the ' 
>> Click "Get Info" ' step.
>>> but as far as I can tell, that will only open that specific document - does 
>>> that mean that I have to go through each document and "Open With" - that is 
>>> truly a waste of my time! If I wasn't writing full-time it would not be 
>>> such an issue, but knowing that I will have to carry out at least 6 extra 
>>> keystrokes to open a file, rather than clicking on the document and having 
>>> it appear as it was writte n in the form that it was saved - rather 
>>> presumptuous of OO, don't you think?
>> Don't go on a rant against OOo when you did not follow the instructions 
>> given. It also makes people less inclined to provide support to you. I 
>> wouldn't use MS office if it was given to me. 
>> Larry
>> -- 
>> _________________________________
>> Larry I. Gusaas
>> Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
>> Website: http://larry-gusaas.com
>> "An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind 
>> theirs." - Edgard Varese
> To Larry: If she is not subscribed to the list, then how come her email shows 
> , anyway? This is not meant as sarcasm, but I am confused as to when someone 
> is or is not subscribed, especially if their message shows on the list? :-\ 

Mail from non-subscribed posters goes to a number of moderators, who can 
approve the message or not, depending upon its content.  If approved, it 
appears on the list.


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