On 05/12/11 04:11, Kara Samantha Mcdermott wrote:
> Alright. My College Thesis has been "corrupted." I am not fooling
> around here. My college education is at stake, and I am unamused, I
> have my document, and it is is bringing up the "ASCII" shenanigans. It
> has been corrupted- alright. I need it to be fixed. My thesis is due,
> Friday.
> I have many people working on fixing it, to no avail. OpenOffice has
> ruined my college education.
> It is corrupted, without fixing. The best that anyone can do is pull
> up an old, seriously un-revised copy from months ago. I have a few
> issues.
> A. Why did this happen?
> B. Why can't I pull up an old copy? I saved hundreds of times, today
> alone.
> C. I will not graduate now, because I will not be able to hand this in.
> There is no fixing this. No apology will be good enough.
> Kara McDermott
I'm sorry to hear of your situation but other software does that too,
google 'Microsoft Word corrupted my document'.
Unfortunately, you had to learn the hard way to always backup documents
you create in any software.

A. You provided insufficient information for me to guess.
B. Each time you save, it overwrites the previous copy (most software
does this).

Send me a private email with with the recent file (if it has a date from
months ago, it is NOT the latest file).

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