Hi All

I'm having a problem with cross-references. I have a document with all
paragraphs numbered and am using cross-references within the text to refer
to various paragraphs as in the following example:

(see paragraph 27 above)

What I am finding is that while working with the document all the
cross-references are fine but after I close the document and say come back
to it the next day the cross-references appear as a 1 character wide, grey
vertical rectangle [] so the above example would appear as follows:

(see paragraph [] above)

Which when I hover the mouse pointer over the [] it does show that the
correct cross-reference is there and if elected will go to the right
referenced paragraph however the document does not show the number paragraph
being referred to so for example if the document is pre-viewed or printed
the above example is shown as:

(see paragraph  above)

and this is the case with all cross-references in the document :(

Appreciate the earliest help with this problem

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