I need an article that was published in volume five of a five volume set
"The Blackwell companion to syntax." I had to order the book through
interlibrary loan, and it has arrived. Imagine my surprise to discover
that, instead of receiving volume five, I received a CD.

Nautilus opened the CD just fine on my Fedora 14 x86_64 computer. And
the article I need is right there in the file browser window. However,
it is titled "Chapter 75 - Verb particle constructions.xml."

Double-clicking on it made Fedora try to open it in Gedit. That was not
a good choice. Then I dimly recalled that OOo uses xml, so I tried
opening it in Writer. Writer opened it, but all I got was pages and
pages of what looks like code, interspersed with what appears to be the
text of the article. It's there, but an unreadable mess.

Google informs me that xml is Microsoft's new open document format. OK,
I don't have MS Office, but back I go to OOo for further checking. It
turns out that in OOo (3.3, from OOo, not Fedora repos) I can do File >
Open New > XML document. However, there appears no way to open an
existing xml file. 

So now I'm all gestumped. 

I could always schlep the CD back to the university, open it on a
university computer that has MS Office, and save as something else. But
surely I won't have to do that. 

Does anyone have any suggestions? Can OOo "import" the file so it is
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