On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 20:42, Brian Barker <b.m.bar...@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> In Writer, when inserting a new table it takes the width of the page.
> By default, yes - but that can easily be modified.

How to modify that Brian. I've gone through everything* but cannot find it.

* http://xkcd.com/627/

>> I have three different situations that I cannot make my table fit:
>> 1) Place the table in the upper right corner of the page and have the text
>> flow around it.
>> 2) Place the table in the vertical-middle of the page on the right side
>> and have the text flow around it.
>> 1) Place the table on the bottom of the page, full width.
> (Er, would that be "3"?!)

Yes, that would be "3"!

>  I think tables behave like text, so other text
> precedes or follows them, with the results that you see.

Well, not quite. Tables behave more like paragraphs seeing how I
cannot get text to appear to the side (outside) of them.

>> Right clicking the table and playing around with the context menu items
>> yields me nothing. Dragging the margins of the table prevents text from
>> flowing around it. Putting the table in a footer leaves a newline below the
>> table.
> You can avoid all your problems, I think, by putting your tables in frames.
>  Frames can be manipulated in the ways that you need, specifically with
> other text wrapping around them - and indeed in variety of ways.  The frame
> need have no border and need have no spacing from the contained table, so it
> can be totally invisible in the final result.  And to answer the point in
> your subject: you can drag the completed table-within-frame around the page
> easily as you need.

Thanks, Brian, this is exactly the solution that I need. However, that
does leave an empty space below the table...

> Oh, and that empty paragraph below a table: go to Format | Frame/Object... |
> Type | Size | Height (or right-click | Frame... | Type | Size | Height) and
> remove the tick from AutoSize.  Now you can reduce the frame height to cover
> this.

...which you address here!

> I trust this helps.

I does, and your help is always appreciated. Seriously, most of what
I've learned about OOo I learned from you and Gary. Tell me, what do
you know about PIV systems? :)

Dotan Cohen

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