On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 10:10 +0200, Mark de Pinna wrote:
> Hi, I have installed Open Office 1.1.4 onto a PC Windows XP System,
> Everything looks and works fine except for the regional settings. I live in
> South Africa and the Regional settings for this country for numbers are e.g.
> 1,999.99 In the settings of Open Office this is changed to 1.999,99 we do
> not use comma before the decimal place we use a point. The only way of
> changing this is to use another country's settings e.g. UK but then that
> puts out the monetary figures. Does anyone know of a solution? Or update
> that addresses this.         
> Mark de Pinna.

You can use ooovirg to fix this problem. Look for it in
<mainOOo_install_dir>/program. This will get you by until you can get
the LOCALE settings of your OS updated for SA.
OpenOffice.org Documentation Co-Lead

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