On Monday 04 July 2005 10:37, wbg wrote:

> leave, or when I fire up on return SA brings the 166 to its knees.

I just leave it running when I'm gone, else it piles up in my verizon 
box and I get unsubbed from everything.  But kmail tends to forget to 
do the fetching after a while, so I now have fetchmail delivering it 
to the local spool, which has quite a few gigs free.

>Da Missus hereabouts isn't a computer jock, either, but since she
>(and I too, truth told) have a certain liking for the various
>Hoyle Packs, we have to have her running 98.

The dark side, shame...  I haven't found anything I want to do that I 
can't do with linux.  But then, maybe my tastes are simpler than 

>That little Tulip program sure is slick for making an old
>box into a diskless workstation for accessing the Linux tools.

Not fam with that at all.  But my firewall has a bit more Red Bull in 
it, 500mhz K6-III, half a gig of ram.

>Am breathlessly waiting for the OOo 2.0 "real" release, supposedly
>due out in, what, 2-3 months? Am a little less panting to upgrade
>FC2, since I don't see a lot in 4 that is vital to my needs.

Well, I'm following Ingo Molnar around, currently running 
2.6.12-RT-V0.7.50-47 in mode 4 here just to see whats broke.  ANAICT, 
tvtime and system audio are the only 2 casualties.  The firewall box 
is running 2.4.29, so its not totally out of date. :)

>This run is all house-internal - from one end to the other.
>Really gotta have it fished through the walls to do it right.

I have a row of 1" holes in the floor along the wall I'm looking at, 
from there I can get to anyplace in the house that needs a piece of 
copper.  The basement joists do tend to resemble a block of swiss 
cheese though. :)


Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
99.35% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
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