When you think of it, not pasting non-contiguous cells makes sense. I'll give you an example:

Let's start with a simple table.

1A  1B  1C  1D  1E
2A  2B  2C  2D  2E
3A  3B  3C  3D  3E

You select cells 1A, 2B and 3C and try to copy them to 2D. The result would be:

1A  1B  1C  1D  1E
2A  2B  2C  1A  2E
3A  3B  3C  3D  2B

Which is no good. I won't even start talking about possible formula or reference problems. And this is an easy case.
Maailmassa eniten tuhoa aikaan saanut kemikaali on testosteroni.
The most destructive chemical in the world has been testosterone.
- Mixu Lauronen

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