Dear OOo:
Yes, I adore OOo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am no computer tech, but I have been using OOo since version 1.1.3, and 
recently upgraded to 1.1.4. I have seen lots of documentation regarding V 2.0 
which is not out yet as a stable version from what i gather in the index page 
of the OOo website. I am most intrested in hooking up Database with MYSQL and I 
found an article on this subject which outlines the procedure, but I cannot 
find the access to Database. >From what I gather, this application is available 
in V2.0.

Having said that, I have two questions which I would greatly appreciate it if 
you could answer:
1) How stable is V2.0 and where can I download it from in order to try it?
2) Approximately when (month or year) do you expect to release a stable version 
of V2.0?

And by the way, in case I didn't mention it, I believe you guys are doing a 
great job and I am most willing to help or provide support.
Thanks in advance

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