First, you incorrectly ask if the files will be "non-corrupted." That depends solely on the physical interactions in the system. A file can be non-compliant with the standard and still be exactly as recorded to disk, in other words, "non-corrupted."

The real question is will the standard be correctly and consistently followed by all designers. I feel I can safely and unequivocally answer No.

Consider the case of browsers and the W3C HTML standards if you need an example of what I mean. If you have ever tried to design a web page that renders identically across browsers, you know what a nearly impossible task that is. Yet, every one of those browsers is declared to "follow the standard." The purpose of the standards is predictability of the format and corresponding contents of the records in the files in order to facilitate exchange of data. How the contents are rendered is still up to the applications designers, and their flexibility may be limited by the OS and platform (Mac vs. PC, for example.)

R.W. Emerson nailed it, though he didn't have the vaguest notion of what is a computer. This quest for perfect consistency is a hobgoblin to the nth degree.


Joe Marks wrote:
The various posts (both on this subject and other similar subjects of
file sharing) are clarifying the issues.  To further clarify the
issue there is another question:

OOo 2.0 uses the OpenDocuments standards (OASIS).  If files are
shared back and forth between users of different office suites, and
those office suites adhear to the OpenDocument standards, will the
files stay 100% non-corrupted?


--- Dale Erwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Joe Marks wrote:

There has been a lot of posts in regards sharing OpenOffice files
with Microsoft users. (Incompatability of OpenOffice with


is a Hugh road block for OpenOffice)

Posts have indicated that REF can be used to


files back and forth between OpenOffice and


Office.  (The "objection" seem to be that RTF was

a M$

product)  Can RTF files be exchanged back and


between OpenOffice and Office with no corruption occuring?

Posts have indicated that Internet Explorer can be used by
Microsoft to open OpenOffice files.  Can Internet Explorer open
OpenOffice files with no corruption occuring?  (If the answer is
yes, then Microsoft can receive amd modify OpenOfffice


The next question is to find out if OpenOffice can share files
with Microsoft when Microsoft opens a OpenOffice file with
Internet Explorer and sends a Microsoft file back to the
OpenOfficer user.)

OpenOffice can open Microsoft files.  Is there any corruption of
the file when OO opens Microsoft



As with all word processors, when importing and exporting between
file formats, there is never a 100% guarantee that there will be
absolutely no corruption. Furthermore, the more special features a
document contains, the more prone it will be to such corruption.

However, some formats are better supported than others. RTF itself
supports fewer special features than the MSWord formats.

Probably the only way to insure non-corruption when sharing OOo
files with a different office suite is with a PDF file which is
absolutely non-flexible and, therefore, not appropriate in many
situations. -- Dale Erwin Salamanca 116 Pueblo Libre Lima 21 PERU Tel. +51(1)461-3084


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