CPHennessy skryf om 12:03 AM op 18/08/2005:

> On Wednesday 17 August 2005 11:14, Samuel Murray wrote:

> > I think I'm going to put the subject line "[users] [moderated]" in my
> > file13 filter... this is getting annoying.

> Please understand that not all of those asking querstions oin this list
> are experienced computer users - in fact many only see their computer
> as a tool to get a job or project done.

IMO it does not take much experience in computing to know that an e-mail needs 
a subject line.  But I'm not angry -- I simply have a lot of other stuff to do 
and I think it's darn bad netiquette if people expect fellow participants to 
open and skim-read every e-mail just to check whether it might be relevant to 
them.  Perhaps there's a bit of education required here.  But I'm not angry or 


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