On Sat, 2005-08-20 at 17:09 +0100, Helen Sturrock wrote:
> Hi - I openly admit to not been at all techy-minded!  I do know that I do not 
> want to pay the Gates Empire the kind of money they're asking for a basic 
> word package - over £300!!!!  Can your site offer me a free download of a 
> basic word package and if so are there idiot-proof instructions that I can 
> follow.
> Many thanks and kind regards, Helen (Scotland)

I think so. Before you start, please have a look at the setup guides at

For your purposes, I suggest that you start with the stable release
1.1.4 even though 1.1.5 will be available is a short while. After
downloading 1.1.4 you will have to unpack it and run the appropriate
setup command for your OS. This is where pre-reading the setup guide is
probably useful. Your should also check the system requirements for your
machine at http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/source/sys_reqs.html

I believe that once you have done the above, you will find installation
pretty straight forward.

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