my wrote:
Dear Friends,
 I apologise for the need for fast help, but kid needs homework done for
 tomorrow and I have no clue how to do this, although I am sure googling
would, had I the time, do it.

He needs two colums, one called "What I Read" and the other half of the
page "What I thought."

Obviously, he needs to be able to(meaning me, secretary, of course) to
write the first thing on the left hand side of the page, the start over
and answer the questions on the right hand side, and print it out.

Since I cannot write html here, I can only hope this approximates what I

thing 1                                   thing 2
blah blah blac                            yackyack yack
blah blah                                 yack yack yack

The problem is that trying to finish the text is column a then reset the
margins does not preserve column A, but moves the text.  I can tab it, as
that would involved knowing the contents of column b.

How would on set up such a thing?

All good wishes,


In Writer, use two frames positioned side-by-side.
In Calc, use two adjacent columns expanded to occupy 1/2 a page width.


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