Warwick Taylor wrote:
I am lamenting the passing of the position independent Right-Click drop

Firstly, can I change 'something' in OO2 to revert to the old standard of
"wherever the Insertion Point is, stays the focus, just Right Click anywhere
for the menu options".

If there is some support for the idea I will put in an RFE; specifically,
for another entry in the OpenOffice.org>View page of the Options dialog box
in the Mouse section. A third drop box labeled 'Right mouse button',
allowing two settings, "Mouse position specific menu" & "Focus[OR Insertion
point] specific menu"

[Would the "Mouse" setting all be moved to the OpenOffice.org>General page

I do not know what kind of effort would be required by the coders to
implement this; ignorance is bliss.
Any opinions???

Yes. The function you describe works for me as it always has (and as you say you want) using OOo2.0 in either W98SE or Linux. From this, I conclude that your installation is flawed and the only thing that needs to be redesigned is your Windows OS, but we've all known that last bit forever.


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