Joe O'Brien <jnobrien <at>> writes:

> Hello!  Hoping you can e-mail me back with an answer to my question. I have
noticed with most programs that
> have icons, one only needs to point the cursor at the icon and an explanation
of the object appears. I cannot
> seem to get this feature to work (if it's supposed to) on Open Office.
> I have tried opening different dialog boxes, but fearful of getting myself in
a fix I can't get out of, I
> haven't pushed this too far. Any advice would be deeply appreciated.
>                                                Best Regards,
>                                                Joe O'Brien
> jnobrien <at>               (503) 693-2810

With Linux (and, from memory, I think Windows is similar), you can right click
on the icon, select Properties and then enter comment you want displayed.  My
OOo2 icon displays without any tinkering.

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