Can this thread PLEASE be moved to "Discuss"?
In a message dated 11/24/2005 10:09:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,  

On Wed,  23 Nov 2005, Howard Coles Jr. wrote:

> On Monday 21 November 2005  10:29 am, Robin Laing wrote:

> There is NO Reason for it  being there.  NONE!  It must be removed or 
>  will become boycotted on many levels, Schools, religious 
>  organizations, and Governments, as well as possibly liable if/when someone 
> with enough money decides that it falls under the rule of  contributing to 
> delinquency of a minor.  There is no reason  for it, or any other profane 
> word, and "removing the shock value" is  an unacceptable "work around".

The only thing there is no reason for is  a smug, sanctimonious, self 
righteous zealot who demands everyone ascede  to his warped ideas.

Bob Holtzman
"If at first you do  succeed, try not to
look  astonished."

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