Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
On Monday 21 November 2005 10:29 am, Robin Laing wrote:

Tim Wescott wrote:

CPHennessy wrote:

On Fri November 18 2005 03:08, Craig Herman wrote:

The word f**k and the expression "f**k up" are in the dictionary and
thesaurus.  Is it possible to remove these?  I have tried, but I have
been unsuccessful.  I would like to use these at my school, but with
these words in the dictionary, I don't think that will be possible.

Look for a file like :
< 2.0 directory>/share/dict/ooo/en_US.dic

Maybe it would be a selling point for OOo in schools to censor words
from it's dictionary :)

Dic?  DIC?!?  Do you know what the spell checker suggests I replace this

Oddly enough when I checked the thesaurus I did not get any hits on the
expected genitive organ, nor did a thesaurus search on said genitive
organ come up with "dick".  If f**k (which I cannot bring myself to
spell out in a public newsgroup, even though I may say it from time to
time) is in there, whyinhell isn't "dick"?

Craig, I'm with you in as much as you feel such words need to be
deleted.  I would mention that if the children in question are high
school age (US, 14 and up) or higher they already are at least as
familiar with them as you are.  At that age they should be learning how
to refrain from using them rather than be protected from ever hearing
them.  If it's a grade school (US, 11 and down) delete it.  I teeter on
the edge for middle schoolers; either decision contains right and wrong
in equal measure for kids that age.

Once being a young boy (oh so many years ago) the shock of using f**k
around the house didn't work as my mother would use it to.  Working
around the military I found that it was used all the time.  No shock
value, just there.

My kids hear it when I hit my finger with the hammer or rip my knuckle
open when a wrench slips but I also explain to them that it is a word
that isn't proper to use.

If I censor my OOo dictionary and my StarDictionary, it still leaves
the hardcopy dictionaries to censor.

I agree that it is a sensitive subject for many but if the shock value
is removed, then the work isn't as bad as many make it out to be.

Listen to George Carlin's "Seven words you cannot say on television"
and it puts things into perspective.

At least it was mentioned how to remove the words if you wish.  I do
agree that a "Censored" version of the dictionary could be handy for
schools and could be used for promotional interest.

I for one would not like a dictionary that didn't include f**k in it
as I would wonder what else has been censored and in fact, I have
actually made an effort since the 1970's to ensure that any dictionary
I purchase has it in.

There is NO Reason for it being there. NONE! It must be removed or will become boycotted on many levels, Schools, religious organizations, and Governments, as well as possibly liable if/when someone with enough money decides that it falls under the rule of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. There is no reason for it, or any other profane word, and "removing the shock value" is an unacceptable "work around".

Every SMTP Spam filter I know of filters these words, why on earth would any self respecting Word Processor maker put these in a Thesaurus?

I understand you want to attack MS ? Try the self respecting of word processors

- Merriam-Webster online

and they integrate every day language of all sorts, and of course your wonder word.

In the speller and thesaurus of WordPerfect (I just tried both) you get a complete linguistic explanation. So, you should extend your banning of immoral word processors to word perfect, too.

What makes me really angry here is that some religious zealot in one country wants to rule the world. You can do everything you want in YOUR world. But leave all us outside your world in peace. De-install your thesaurus and let us in peace!

It the capacity to censor a word processor thesaurus is a selling argument in the US , you are well advanced.

And who will be the censor ? You apparently dont know how censors distort morality.

Hail to the Moral Majority ?


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