I have found the same with the Mandriva Linux version.  You should
start a post about this rather than tagging onto an unrelated subject.
It may be that an issue can be filed.  You may instead be able to
use a formula containing a direct reference to the address of a cell
in another document (although that does not work for me in OOo2).
The Help topic is "Referencing a Cell in Another Document".  Regards.

Sarah <sarah.grace <at> charter.net> writes:

....  I am having a problem though with putting a link in my OO 
spreadsheet. Whe I type a link for a web site it works fine, But,
when I try the "link to outside data " option to link to another OO
spreadsheet, it seems disabled. The OK is greyed out and it will not
give me the option to select the highlighted file for link.  I use
the XP version of windows. ...  Sarah in TN

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