OO 2 final - I am having tremendous dificulty with links between
spreadsheets.  I am assuming that the function works like Excel - you
select the cell, press "=" and then select the cell in the other
spreadsheet. (Someone correct me if this is NOT the way to do it?)

The first problem I have is that when I go to make a link to one
particular sheet, it tells me the spreadsheet I want to link to doesn't
exist! Yet there it is, open, not "untitled" and I'm working on it!
the second major problem I am having is that I make a link to another
sheet, select a cell with data in it, yet the cell that contains the
link returns 0! And autocalc IS on.

It also seems to be very flakey - I've just done the above with a new
empty spreadsheet and it works perfectly OK! Yet the sheet that I need
to set up links in, which was also just created this morning, has all
these problems! Can anyone suggest a reason why the links in THIS
particular spreadsheet sre not working properly?

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