On Mon December 12 2005 13:34, AAW wrote:
> On Thursday, December 1, 2005 6:12pm, AAW wrote:
> > How do you edit labels created from a database? After creating them, I
> > can only edit the first label on each page. The rest are read-only. I
> > can't even cut an individual field and "Paste Special" it back as text.
> >
> > To create the labels, I'm using Steps 1 through 11 from "Printing
> > Address Labels" ( "labels;from databases" in the Help page Index) then
> > invoking the Mail Merge wizard. Even if I use the full Help page
> > procedure -- which only produces the first page of labels -- the result
> > is the same.
> Since no one had any ideas, I finally just  gave up on the official
> methods. The best workaround I could come up with was inserting the
> database info into a blank document as text (rather than fields) then
> messing around with margins, columns, and styles to get something that
> printed correctly.
> I must say that OpenOffice's awkwardness in such a commonplace function as
> label printing is a big disappointment.

Hi Arn,
  I'm not sure if it helps, but have a look at recent postings on this list. 
Also if that does not help then dev@dba.openoffice.org may be able to help 

CPH : openoffice.org contributor

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