Kira wrote:
G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

You had better check gmail to see if the messages are being junked or
denied. They are certainly showing up on the list. BTW your message from
this morning is only 6 hours old and we are a volunteer group and not a
paid Customer service group. I suggest some patience as w98 is old and
our users with this version of windows may be trying to reproduce the
problem. I also suspect that more information on the system in question
is in order. Little things like how much memory is on the machine.

I figured that question would take a while to answer, if it's even reproducible. What's frustrating is that in *this* thread, several people have replied and none of them seems to have understood what I was asking. I thought that noting that a message from the wrong account shows up would help to pinpoint the issue, but instead it seems to have thrown everyone completely off the track.

I have checked Gmail directly thru my browser and none of my own messages were in the Spam folder. I've seen other people on this list send the same message more than once because they didn't see the message show up and I wonder if I'm the only one experiencing this.

Gmail shows my messages as part of a "conversation". I have my gmail address subscribed to other mailing lists and have always received my own messages via POP in Thunderbird; perhaps Gmail's conversation feature interacts with this particular mailing list in a different way? Most of the other mailing lists I'm subscribed to are Yahoo groups.


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Why not try this? Send a new subscription message for this list [EMAIL PROTECTED] making sure the from: field is what you call the "right" address. The subscription management program for this list will do one of two things: 1) it will subscribe you with the address you want or 2) it will reply saying that that address is already subscribed. You will then know for sure whether the address you want is actually subscribed.
Matthew L. Avizinis
Gleim Publications, Inc.

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