Jonathon Coombes <jon <at>> writes:
> Hi All,
> A reminder about the OOo Knowledgebase and what it can offer you.
.... [para.7]
> what you want, some may be close, and others not related at all.
    Thanks for the information, which I have copied to my OO notes.  The line
above from paragraph 7 seems to be an orphan.
    There must be a wealth of knowledge in posts in the mailing lists and
forums.  It would be a large task, I know, but is there some way of garnering
that knowledge, perhaps from the most popular threads?
    I've given up searching in gmane for anything.  Searches on the forums yield
a lot of information.  Is it possible to include the knowledge base in such
searches, meaning, could a link be established?

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