On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 16:49:53 -0500
Derick Centeno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 2006-02-10 at 17:07 +1000, Martin Hirst wrote:
> > Hi, I am a newbie to open source (sorry it's taken so long!). I'd
> > like to download open office, but would like to know if I can still
> > use my Endnote program for compiling bibliographies, in particular
> > the cite-while-you-write function.
> > thanks
> > Martin Hirst
> I believe there is a feature (in utilizing the footer) within OO which
> can replace that program.  Try it out yourself.  It won't cost you
> anything, but a little well spent time.

No, Endnote is not replacable with any of OOo's built in things 
(Endnote has nothing to do with footnotes or endnotes, it is a
bibliography database program that can generate citation references and
bibliographies directly into Word documents with format templates and
alike). If you are running Linux then Bibus might be an option, but if
you are a newbie to open source stuff, then I would not recommend it.
Even though it is a very nice piece of software, installing it is
not that simple and would be very frustrating for someone used to
click and done installs.


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