On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 14:01 -0500, Ed Nisley wrote:
> OOo Writer (the SuSE build of 2.0)
> SuSE Linux 10.0
> Dell 9150, Pentium D (x86-64), 2 GB, Java 5
> Surely this one has been reported, but after rummaging 
> around in the OOo issue database I can't find anything 
> resembling it. On the other hand, I have trouble finding 
> -anything- in Bugzilla, so maybe it's just my searching 
> ineptitude.
> To demonstrate the problem:
> Import a jpg image file. Right-click on it, add a caption 
> and set up borders. Select the frame containing the picture 
> and caption, Ctrl-C to copy, click on another page, then 
> Ctrl-V to paste. The result is a blizzard of ASCII text 
> that seems to describe the image and caption, but it's 
> surely not what happened in previous versions.
> A snippet from one such episode:
> ------------------------
> {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\adeflang1025
> {\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Thorndale AMT{\*\falt 
> Times New Roman};}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
> {\f2\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
> {\f3\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Albany AMT{\*\falt Arial};}
> {\f4\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Lucidasans;}}
> {\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;}
> {\stylesheet{\s1\rtlch\afs24\lang1023\ltrch\dbch\langfe1023\hich\fs24\lang1023\loch\fs24\lang1023\snext1
> Normal;}
> {\s2\sb120\sa120\rtlch\afs20\lang1023\ai\ltrch\dbch\langfe1023\hich\f1\fs20\lang1023\i\loch\f1\fs20\lang1023\i\sbasedon1\snext2
> caption;}
> {\s3\sb120\sa120\rtlch\afs20\lang1023\ai\ltrch\dbch\langfe1023\hich\f1\fs20\lang1023\i\loch\f1\fs20\lang1023\i\sbasedon2\snext3
> Photo;}
> {\*\cs5\rtlch\afs24\lang1023\ltrch\dbch\langfe1023\hich\f2\fs20\lang1023\i\b\loch\f2\fs20\lang1023\i\b
> Caption characters;}
> ------------------------
> Of course, once in a while the picture pastes perfectly, but 
> I haven't been able to figure out what I do differently. I 
> mean, sheesh, Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V don't give one much room 
> for creativity...
> Am I alone with this pesky problem?

I suspect so. I cannot reproduce your problem in 2.0.2 under FC4 so will
guess that it specific to SuSE as they package their own version of OOo.
BTW, the blizzard is actually XML. 

So, I suggest that you enter an issue into Issue
Tracker as this is the best way to have problems such as this evaluated.

If you haven't already registered, do the following:

     1. To file an issue you must register with OOo by clicking the
        My Pages tab and selecting the Register link
     2. Fill in your information
     3. Reply to the confirmation email that will be sent to the address
        you provided. 
     4. Once you have confirmed, go to www.openoffice.org again
     5. And click on the "My Pages" tab from which you can file and find

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It is important that you file
any examples with the issue to ensure your need is understood.
OpenOffice.org Documentation Co-Lead

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