On Friday March 17 2006 10:36 am, Gilligan, Gary wrote:
> Hello -- I just installed Openoffice and Writer and Calc run fine but I
> can't get Base to run. I get the error message: "The connection to the
> data source "New Database" (or whatever name I give it) could not be
> established" Then there is a line : java/sql/Savepoint.  I seem to have
> Java on my Win 2000 PC.  Base is the reason I installed Openoffice. I'm
> considering a Mac in the future and want use MS-Access files between
> home and work. Thank you.
> Gary Gilligan
     What happens when you do this?
Tools > Options > OpenOffice.org > Java
If you have a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed, it will be listed 
after a period of searching. If it is listed, make sure it is selected. 
(The radio button in front of it will have black dot in it if it is 
     If the Java on your system is Microsoft's version, it will not work 
with OOo. 

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT:  make sure the JRE version is at least 1.5. If it 
is not, download the latest version of JRE from www.java.com.


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