On Sat, 2006-03-18 at 16:46 -0800, Max G. Kluth wrote:
> You know, I live now for 40 1/2 years in the English speaking world, and I
> ONLY speak English when at home. I do think that I have mastered the
> language, even technical language, fairly well. As a matter of fact, there
> are technical terms that I do not know in my native language, since I never
> learned them or ran into them when young. But, you know, "Issue Tracking
> Query" still gives me a bit of the creeps to this very day...
> P.S. Hold your horses, I do know what it means, or I certainly will find
> out... And, amazingly enough, when counting in my head, I still do this in
> the first language. Most second language speakers seem to do that.
> Scientific papers have been written about it.

I hope I wasn't endorsing the links that I found. I've entered several
issues, but never found those links before. Having stated my preferred
search path, I needed to check if something even remotely close existed
on the OOo site, and acknowledge that they are there in order to make
the comment that they are too difficult to find.

I do think the site needs re-organising and cleaning up. There is too
much information that is *about* information.

I do think the link text and other descriptions need to be friendlier
and more concise.

> "Ross Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> : On Sat, 2006-03-18 at 20:44 +0100, Henrik Sundberg wrote:
> : > 2006/3/18, Rod Engelsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> : > > You're on! Here's my constructive criticism for IZ:
> : > >
> : > > 1. I used to know how to get to it, but since the site has been
> : > > redesigned it takes me far too long to find it. The layout and
> : > > navigation of the site is really poor.
> : > >
> : > > Suggestion: Have a link to IZ from the Home page. Maybe under a
> section
> : > > entitled "Get Involved". Test the design with "people from the
> street".
> : > > That's what professional web site designers do.
> : >
> : > I'm surprised that pressing "New User & General Info" is considered
> : > unintuitive. "Report a Bug" on the next screen can not be
> : > misunderstood in my opinion.
> :
> : Remember ... by this time the user is probably frustrated, impatient,
> : desperate, or exhausted, and is looking for something familiar,
> : reassuring, and close to hand.
> :
> : For any application web site, the path I look for if I have a problem,
> : is "Support" -> "Knowledge Base/Known Problems" -> "Query/Report an
> : issue". The closest I can see to this is "Support" -> "User FAQ" ->
> : "Issue Tracking Query". Not too bad, but there is too much undergrowth
> : along the path, and it's too easy to miss it.
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