Dear All

We in conjunction with Sun are developing a SME version of StarOffice 8 which will have all that a UK SME will need to run his business. If you are interested in knowing the content price and release date pls respond.


On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 20:25, Al wrote:
Amanda B wrote:

> I am tinkering with creating a basic invoicing and client database for
> my consulting work. I was able to find some MS Access templates but
> haven't found any OpenOffice templates. Here is what I need to do:
> * Keep track of my hours and expenses
> * Generate invoices
> * Track paid invoices/follow up on unpaid invoices
> Before I go ahead and create something on my own, I wonder if anyone
> else has done the same and would be willing to share? In exchange I
> would be happy to do some cleanup on it and properly submit it to the
> Samples and Templates Documentation section of
> Thanks,
> Amanda

This is sort of a shameless plug but it might solve your problem. Maybe our
Jaya123 web-service ( system might work for you (try
the online demo). We have lots of consultants who use it and like it, but
it is commercial ($14.95 a month) and not open source.

Other than that, I'd look on sourceforge and freshmeat for a desktop
solution. Gnucash might work as perhaps SQLedger. Look for the Nola program
if that is still around. Maybe CBtracker has an invoice module now. Or
maybe MoneyDance. Let us know what you find.


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