Rod Engelsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Andrew Brown wrote:
>> You can't? I think I just did. It is a matter of putting the word you
>> want into the numbering style. I will send you privately a document
>> that shows this -- essentially, I told outline numbering for some
>> headings to use the character style "Rodlevel" which has after the
>> number, instead of a bracket or full stop, a bracket followed by a
>> space, followed by "History" or whatever. Shows up fine in the
>> navigator, and in the table of contents. 
>> As I said, I'll mail you a one page proof of concept. 
> Thanks for the effort, Andrew, but that's not what you need for this
> (I love the parts about snakes and turnips :)). That only works if
> every heading at that level is to have the same title. 

I'm sorry. I thought that's what you wanted. I hadn't realised that you 
wanted the first word of the line to vary at the same heading level. I 
think that at this point I am defeated. I can see how to do it -- 
obviously -- with all levels the same. I can see how to do it if you 
break the line: 

I. INdigenous People
        1. North America
                a. Anasazi
                        the Anasazi lived in holes in the rocks
                        .... more about them

But not, I'm afraid, otherwise.

Andrew Brown
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