On Tue, 2006-04-04 at 20:19 -0700, Andi Permadi wrote:
> Hello,
> I think You should download the latest Open Office version from
> http://www.openoffice.org. I don`t know the problem with the dictionaries.
> Last year when I use 1.1.4, I downloaded the and extract the Indonesian
> dictionary manualy from the website and edit dictionary.lst to add my own
> dictionary.

The easy way is to use File > Wizard > Install new dictionaries.
Indonesian is in the list.

You should know that the dictionaries need to be reloaded with 2.0.2 as
the format has changed sufficiently that the older versions are not

> The dictionary.lst is located on instalation directory like:
> "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 1.1.4\share\dict\ooo" in windows
> please check "dictionary.lst"
> the content is something like this:
> # List of All Dictionaries to be Loaded by OpenOffice
> # ---------------------------------------------------
> # Each Entry in the list have the following space delimited fields
> #
> # Field 1: Entry Type "DICT" - spellchecking dictionary
> #                     "HYPH" - hyphenation dictionary
> #                     "THES" - thesaurus files
> #
> # Field 2: Language code from Locale "en" or "de" or "pt" ...
> #
> # Field 3: Country Code from Locale "US" or "GB" or "PT"
> #
> # Field 4: Root name of file(s) "en_US" or "hyph_de" or "th_en_US
> #          (do not add extensions to the name)
> HYPH da DK hyph_da_DK
> HYPH de DE hyph_de_DE
> DICT en GB en_GB
> HYPH en GB hyph_en_GB
> DICT en US  en_US
> HYPH en US hyph_en_US
> THES en US th_en_US_v2
> DICT it IT it_IT
> HYPH it IT hyph_it_IT
> HYPH ru RU hyph_ru_RU
> DICT th TH th_TH
> DICT sw TZ sw_TZ
> DICT sw KE sw_TZ
> THES cs CZ th_cs_CZ_v2
> Please make sure that the file like the name I highlight  above exist in the
> same directory.
>  I don`t know if this will help. I recomend to get the latest version from
> the website.
> That is my way to fix the problem. Any one have better idea?
> 2006/4/4, Marie Saunders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > Hello,
> > I have a bit of a problem with my OpenOffice
> > installation.  I was trying to install the
> > dictionaries for the office suite and it came to the
> > point where it said "The list of dictionaries has been
> > successfully downloaded.  Please click Next to
> > continue."  But when I clicked Next, I got this
> > message: "Openoffice.org Dictionary Installer List
> > Index Out of Bounds (1)"  It had a big red X and an
> > "OK" button.  And from there I could not go any
> > further.  My version is OpenOffice.org "The Open CD"
> > Version 1.4.1 I would appreciate any help or feedback
> > you can give me.  Thank you very much.
> >
> > Marie Saunders
> --
> Andi Permadi
> Learn to live not otherwise
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