I'm amazingly rusty on basic statistics, but wouldn't something like the following work? Take the mean and standard deviation for the whole set. Then calculate z scores for each value (essentially translate the values into their deviations from the mean. Then, all you have to do is look for all values whose z scores are too big or too small (both sides of the bell curve). I don't remember exactly how to do the math and I certainly don't know how to code it in calc, but with the if, lookup, and vlookup, etc. it's probably not that difficult.


Rod Engelsman wrote:
Lars D. Noodén wrote:
How would I go about using Calc's statistical functions to identify extreme values in a data set ? e.g. in the following set, '98' is way out of line with the other points.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 18 21 29 34 36 44 98

It's been longer than I'm willing to admit since I've done any statistics and never had any formal instruction. Would standard deviation be useful for that? If so, how do I find the deviation for individual points rather than the avg for the whole set?


    Patents are wrong for software but right for inventions. Write:

Depends on what statistics you're trying to glean. There is a function called trimmean() that lops off the bottom and top 5% of values before calculating a mean. Also, in general, sometimes the median (the middle value when the values are ranked) can be a more useful indicator of central tendency than a straight mean. Economists use that a lot to keep somebody like Bill Gates or John Rockefeller from screwing up the average when looking at incomes or wealth.

Hmmm... reading your post again, I'm not exactly sure I understand what you are asking. Do you want to calculate statistics in such a way that the oddball values don't skew the results or are you looking for a way to find the oddball values themselves to pinpoint anomalies?

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